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Revision as of 16:05, 11 December 2015 by Haustein (Talk | contribs) (commentary)

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The infobox is missing values.

Don't forget to write a brief summary for the beginning of the entry.

Important dates section is empty.

Other sections such as Enhancement/Therapy or Public policy are also empty. Although, if you think you have no information for these, please write that down in them anyway. An explanation on why you think that there is no Public policy is better than an completely empty section.

I feel that some of the parts, like the one about infant mortality or SAR could use more references. --Haustein (talk) 11:00, 16 November 2015 (CET)

First paragraph, I am not sure if 'deposition is the correct expression here.

Include some info on the company under the Company & People section.

Add the February release date to the Important Dates.

You mention that the device received attention from a number of online media. Expand that by saying their general opinion on the device. That way we can retain the information even when the references stop working.

Under the Public Policy section, the "Mimo is not a medical device..." sentence sounds like you are the one who gives the opinion. Perhaps rephrase it so it states that this is actually written on the device's website.--Haustein (talk) 16:05, 11 December 2015 (CET)