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List of Electrolarynxes:

Electrolarynxes are Speech Technologies devices that replace the sound vibrations production capabilities of a human larynx.


LIU, Hanjun; NG, Manwa L. Electrolarynx in voice rehabilitation. Auris Nasus Larynx, 2007, 34.3: 327-332.

Historical overview


UEMI, Norihiro, et al. Design of a new electrolarynx having a pitch control function. In: Robot and Human Communication, 1994. RO-MAN'94 Nagoya, Proceedings., 3rd IEEE International Workshop on. IEEE, 1994. p. 198-203.

LIU, Hanjun, et al. Enhancement of electrolarynx speech based on auditory masking. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 2006, 53.5: 865-874.

Summary of technical aspects


Relevant issues

Enhancement or treatment

Public and media impact

Public policy
